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Home is Where The Herd Is.


Fumicol is general purpose surface disinfectant and fumigant that is very effective against viruses and bacteria.

It’s used in in homes and public places like health care facilities, hotels, public transport, supermarkets, institutions among other areas where high level of disinfestation is required.


Fumical contains a blend of several quaternary ammonium compounds, aldehydes and Isopropanol that are highly efficacious against viruses and bacteria.

Target areas

Apply in commonly touched surfaces like door handles, seats, tables, stair cases, trolleys, hospital beds and walls.

Application rate

Mix 5mls of Fumicol to 1lts of water and apply via low pressure or foaming.

Allow 30 minutes contact time before wiping the surfaces where necessary.

Diluted solution should not be stored for future use.


May cause irritation to eyes and nose and therefore it’s advisable to wear protective clothing.

Avoid diluting the product with extreme alkaline water as this may affect the efficacy of the product.

Rise soap from surfaces to be applied before the application is done. Soap deactivates the product.

First aid

If swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Seek medical attention.

If it splashes on the eyes or skin, wash with running water.


Store below 30 degrees centigrade in the original tightly closed container.


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