Dairy farming in Kenya has been growing over the years with an estimation of about 4% annual growth rate, contributing 40% of the
agricultural GDP, and 4% of the national GDP.
With improved genetics and management, farmers are recording as high as 35-50kg of milk per cow per day though the average production in the country still
remains low. Improved production comes with challenges of metabolic condition that pose threat mostly to the high producers in the farm. Over the years, farmers have faced a debilitating condition that starts with the cows rejecting dairy meal and preferring forages and ends up with emaciation,
reduced production and low fertility. Little do they know that it’s Ketosis and can be treated.
Thanks to Atlantis Life Science, a company leading in post-calving management solution . Ketosis is a common metabolic disease in high producing dairy cows during the first 6-8 week of lactation predisposed by low feed intake and high energy demand for milk production.
Low feed intake towards calving and immediately after, coupled with the high energy demand for milk production results to negative energy balance that predisposes the cow to mobilizing body fat reserves to compensate for energy requirements.
Incomplete metabolism of fat results to formation of ketone bodies that cause damage to the liver.
What the farmer notices is a continuous loss of weight commonly known as “milking off their backs” because they are using their body fat as an energy source. You may notice a sweet smell (acetone smell) in their breath and alcohol like smell in the milk.
This mobilization of fat can be stopped by provision of a highly bioavailable source of energy in form of propylene glycol, a precursor of propionic acid which is the main source of glucose in ruminants- says Dr. Nicky Omolo a nutrition expert at Atlantis life Science.
Farmers need to worry no more. KETONEX a product developed and sold by Atlantis Life Science Ltd offers the best solution for the preventing on and management of ketosis. As a routine, when given for five days immediately after calving, it ensures energy stability for the cow thus preventing Ketosis.
Drenching immediately after noticing symptoms of Ketosis helps in management of the condition. Recovery depends on the extent of
damage and may take up to two weeks. Ketonex is available in all agrovets shops country wide.
It’s recommended that you consult your vet to differentiate Ketosis from other body wasting condition.
For more information, you can reach us through 0721 888 444 or visit our website www.atlantislife.co.ke