Dairy farming in Kenya has been growing over the years with an estimation of about 4% annual growth rate, contributing 40% of theagricultural GDP, and 4% of the national GDP. With improved genetics and management, farmers are recording as high as 35-50kg of milk per cow per day though the average production in the country […]
VACCINATION PROGRAM FOR LAYERS AND IMPROVED KIENYEJI DAY/WEEK VACCINE ROUTE OF ADMINSTRATION Remarks (Given yes/ No) / Date Day 1 Marek’s + NCD (Done at the Hatchery) Intramuscular injection (I.M) and Spray Day 7 Newcastle vaccine (Mevac ND LaSota) Drinking water Day 10 Gumboro vaccine Drinking water Day 14 Gumboro vaccine Drinking […]
How to Manage and control infectious coryza in Poultry
Infectious coryza is an acute respiratory disease that affects chicken. The disease is mostly characterised by sneezing, nasal discharge and swelling on the eyes. Infectious Coryza is caused by a bacteria called Haemophilus Paragallinarum. The disease mostly affects chicken but can also affect quail and pheasants
Infectious coryza is transmitted through bird-to-bird contact. The birds can also contact the disease through breathing contaminated air or feeding on contaminated feeds and water. The disease can be introduced when infected birds are introduced to a healthy flock
Birds that recover from the disease remain carriers of the bacteria for their entire life, this means they can shed the bacteria occasionally. The birds at the poultry show ,bird swaps and live birds sales are at the risk of exposure to the disease.
● Slight facial swelling, that may occur in one eye or both.
● Thick and sticky discharge
from the nostrils and eyes, producing foul-smelling.
● Difficulties in breathing
● Anorexia
● Diarrhea
● Decreased water and feed consumption
● Retard growth in chicks
● Reduced egg production in laying flocks
The incubation period is 1-3 days with a typical duration of 2-3 weeks. Morbidity rate is high but mortality rate ranges from 10%- 20%.
Figure 1.0 a chicken infected by infectious Coryza.
The most effective way of controlling infectious coryza is through vaccination and biosecurity measures.
The following measures are discussed below.
Vaccines are available in the market; Atlantis life science has brought you CORYVAC Vaccine. CORYVAC is an inactivated trivalent vaccine against infectious Coryza. It provides a broad protection against 3 serotypes of infectious Coryza. It ensures a strong and long lasting immune response.
Figure 1.1 coryvac Vaccine. Trivalent inactivated vaccine against Avian infectious Coryza Stereotypes A,B,& C
Biosecurity in poultry are measures and strategies that prevent the entry of disease and transmission of diseases in a farm. One of the measures put in place is ensuring there is a foot bath or wheel bath routine disinfection. At the entry point of the poultry farm ensure there is a well-established foot bath that is disinfected.
Atlantis life we have brought you a disinfectant by the name PHENOSOL. PHENOSOL is a powerful disinfectant that helps in killing bacteria and germs. PHENOSOL contains not less 38 % neutral Tar acids. It is used at the footbaths and wheel baths as it is very effective in presence of organic matters e.g. Manure and Mud. PHENOSOL is used also at the end of every rearing cycle to stop and control disease build up.
Figure1.2 Phenosol
Is a strong disinfectant with six active molecules including Isapropanol. This increases its spectrum of activity and ensures it eliminates 99.9% disease agents in 5 minutes. Biosec is very friendly to birds making it safe to spray while birds are still inside the poultry house. Its also used routinely to disinfect equipment and wood shavings.
figure 1.3 Biosec
All in all, if there will be an outbreak of coryza, remove all systems, clean and disinfect the poultry house. Have 2-3 weeks of downtime after infected birds are removed from the farm. Isolate the infected birds from the healthy. ones to stop escalation of the diseases. Call your personal vet for more guidance and consultation.
Wishing best luck in your poultry farming. Thank you.